Wednesday 20 March 2013

the tale of 3 cities

so. i have made it.
a promise now in hand.
not a shame,
but, a challenge.


monday 11th march 2013

-film society agm
(now on the committee)
-parental hang out.

work -
winged with post-work non-comittance.

agm -
tinged with the act of being busy,
having places to go.


explosion insert -
return from work to hurriedly shower
prior to meeting my mother at the railway station.

time existent: 45 minutes.
delay: 10 minutes
cause: a red explosion

thoughts of the purging of the soul,
the melting of the body
the beauty of no control;

the fear of red puddles forming on the floor,
the drip down the leg;
the punctuation of un-culled forest hairs.

its everywhere.

what do i do?

surely this can't be what that text,
informally sent,
so seriously considered,
has resulted to.

a melting body.

must ask my girlfriends about this.

i got to the railway station in time.
thoughts still delayed in cold, misty air
of that watery red dripping out of me.

never, witnessed. before.


chapter I

parental --
nervousness hung in the air,
she hasn't arrived,
and he was yet to arrive.

if only they had cellular machines.

she arrives.
the warm, soft bony kiss
and i melt.

i say harsh words against this woman,
but that warmth.
that softness.
even the peaked cheeks
are my net of comfort.

chapter II

standing at courtenay place.
cold. moist cold air.

no more nervousness.

but he got off at the wrong bus stop.

embassy. orange bus. $9

message received
somewhere between
embassy and reading.

then its the three people
who co-existed 18 years together
now fragmented by three cities.

this is the tale of it.

istanbul dried falafel
the tail.

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