Tuesday 9 April 2013

in earnest

“and the air was full of Thoughts and Things to Say. But at times like these, only the Small Things are ever said. Big Things lurk unsaid inside.”
--arundhati roy

i sat down to write this ritualistically
with pen and paper
to only remember i don't have your new address.

i am listening to arcade fire,
which of late
has become my new soul stirrer.

for me it releases the hormones of
utter love, despair, hope and
general exhaustion at the incredible emotions that can
whisk us into being,

into being human.

it's so tiring to live life in its entirety;
but it is that concrete filled sack of fatigued bones
and that sleepy eye lid twinge
that satisfies
that allows this decaying body to sink into inspired peace.

its all of the above i feel now.

its all of the above that i felt
on sunday night
when i sat on r's bed
and watched him read out
a letter/card you wrote to him from india,
when he had just returned to nz.

the tiny writing,
the revelation,
the regret,
the inspiration.
the paths of pursuit;

the microcosm of tolstoy
the warm embrace his writing gave/gives you.
the stirrings.

i was held captive
controlled by the power of your thought,
the selfless pursuit for a better being,
the demeaning ways upon yourself;
the ideals.

oh, the ideals.

and deep within me,
when i saw a solitary tear glisten down r's cheek
i realised just how much i wanted to know you more.

how i wanted to talk about all these things
you mentioned in the letter.
the ways of being moral.
of what it is to be.
to be.

i became acutely nostalgic for the first few times we hung out,
(almost a year ago now....)
the music, the thoughts, the late nights.
the wonder.
the endless river.

and i wonder what happened.

i firmly believe we don't live in one moment,
that we cannot afford to hang onto one facet of a person.
i feel each person is a liquid cosmos unto themselves,
a colourful world of meaning, quest, fragility and knowledge
that ebbs, flows, and shifts.

so i don't lament on the interactions we have had since,
i merely wonder whether our priorities are shifting
and whether the alcohol shadowed nights are a habit?
or individually have sincere meaning?

i don't expect you to hold the answers or to grasp the meaning
of what i am trying to articulate with my limited control of language.

i just hope that we can be children together again,
without letting the earnestness of adulthood bury our thoughts.


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