How I love
organic thinking!
I am airy,
lofty and quite serene right now. From where I sit on my bed I can see a still
life of fruit and a Japanese woodcut calendar; reflections of real life in both
mirror and window. I see my ancestor, the Poplar tree, loftily embracing the
Northerly wind while the evergreen Magnolia shudders agedly.
My loftiness
perhaps comes from a beautiful and much needed walk I had with a friend last
night up to the Brooklyn wind turbine. From there we could see the golden night
shroud upon the city, the busy clouds, and the sky bleeding upwards from the
horizon. Clouds. Stars. A cradle half moon that since 5 hours earlier had
turned 180 degrees to stable itself from falling forwards.
Golden germinating
sparks of the night; a fence-line. A rusted lock that once it had torn its last
ligament felt eerily through space, never fallen on the bedrock below.
The shadows
covered; the past became darkness, the future black and white; while the
present my eyes were shut tightly against.
Once, in my
inner eye, the shadow had past I looked down to see an ocean so vast, so
colourful; so beckoning. On the wings of the present tide I could see each drop
of that ocean was a
A life
A history
A fragment of
somebody’s everything.
The sweat off
my brow fell drip
By drip
Adding to the
salt stories of insecurity
The unjust
wars fought
The memorials
The omniscient
wave that is the spirited land
Engulfing us
The Nelson. The
King’s country.
Te Rerenga
The underworld
The leaping
off place of spirits.
I smiled into
the night
Watching the
wind rustle the Pine trees;
Then the two
toned face that broke forth into historia
From a
bellowing force deep within
That was
The large
portion of humble pie eaten
When starting
each magnificent verse
With a self deprecating
I digress!
When I
originally saw your above message, I pondered at the profundity of such a
question. I am still not sure I understand what you ask?! I love the
collaboration of a capitalised ‘M’ in ‘Man’ and ‘garb’; both give a Biblical
resonance, and I automatically want to launch into the history of the cassock
and vestment.
But somehow, I
don’t believe my true answer lies in that history/etymology.
Instead I
wonder about the ‘girl’ cells that Eve
Ensler (feminist) talks about being inherent in all genders. This so called ‘cell’
embodied in ‘compassion, empathy, passion, vulnerability, openness, intensity,
association, relationship and intuition’.
This may be a
far cry but I find it interesting that clothing for men in history has been
very similar to what we would typically call ‘female’ clothing now, and that
with the rise of patriarchy men’s clothing has become more restrictive; and
literally so around the area where ‘manhood’ is inherent.
As Eve Ensler
says in her talk (‘Embrace your inner girl’)
’And I want
you imagine that at some point in history a group of
powerful people invested in owning and controlling the world understood
that the suppression of this particular cell, the
oppression of these cells, the
reinterpretation of these cells, the
undermining of these cells, getting us to
believe in the weakness of these cells and the
crushing, eradicating, destroying, reducing
these cells, basically
began the process of killing off the girl cell, which was, by
the way, patriarchy.’
To end this
night I shared, hesitantly, Arundhati Roy’s thoughts on empire:
'Whose God
decides which is a "just war" and which isn’t? George Bush senior
once said: "I will never apologize for the United States. I don’t care
what the facts are." When the president of the most powerful country in
the world doesn’t need to care what the facts are, then we can at least be sure
we have entered the Age of Empire.
So what does public power mean in the Age of Empire? Does it mean anything at
all? Does it actually exist?
In these allegedly democratic times, conventional political thought holds that
public power is exercised through the ballot. Scores of countries in the world
will go to the polls this year. Most (not all) of them will get the governments
they vote for. But will they get the governments they want?'
I leave you
with these questions of beauty, of patriarchy, our innate cells and needs; my
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